Shared Ownership mortgages for people with long-term disabilities
We welcome applications from people with long-term disabilities, who also rely on benefits for their income. Working with specialist mortgage brokers, MySafeHome Limited, you can apply for a bespoke, affordable mortgage product that could enable to purchase a home through Shared Ownership.
To start your application please call My Safe Home on 02476 402211 and book an eligibility assessment. Alternatively, you can email them at
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible to apply for this type of specialist mortgage product you must be in receipt of the Enhanced or Standard Daily Living Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) equivalent and:
- 18+ years old with clean credit history and no outstanding debts
- In receipt of the Universal Credit Limited Capability for Work And Work Related Activity (LCWRA) element or ESA Support Group payments
- Unable to work in conventional employment for more than 12 hours per week
- In possession of, or in the process of arranging, a suitable Care & Support package, either with a Local Authority, a private care provider or your family
- Able to prove your mental capacity or have Court of Protection or Lasting Power of Attorney in place
- Looking to live on your own – you can share, but with caution
- Able to put down a deposit and pay fees associated with buying your new home – this costs c. £15,000 - £20,000 (this includes a minimum 10% deposit on the property PLUS getting you ready for home ownership and ensuring it’s sustainable) AND able to contribute to your housing costs of c. £30 per week.